Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Favorite Type of Functional Text- RECIPES!

Working in the kitchen with your child can be fun and academically rewarding! I challenge you to pull out your favorite recipe this week with your child. You can take the opportunity to practice reading functional text, discuss some important math concepts, and spend some quality time making a yummy dish or treat!

Year after year, I see recipes show up on SOL tests as the example of functional text. Practicing with recipes can help your child in the classroom and in the kitchen. (Wink, Wink) This type of activity can be done with older and younger students, just tailor your conversations to their level.

What kind of "literacy talk" can I have with a recipe?

As you are creating your culinary masterpiece, ask these types of questions:
  • What is the title of this recipe? Could we rename it anything else?
  • How is this recipe organized? (Ingredients first, then steps??)
  • Why do you think the author of this recipe organized it this way?
  • Should we read through the whole recipe before we get started? Why or Why not?
  • What would happen if the author left out an ingredient or a step/direction by accident?
  • The steps are in SEQUENTIAL order. What does that mean? Why would the author do this?
  • Could we write our own recipe for a favorite family dish?
Also, make sure to ask literal questions about the recipe, such as.... What step comes after melting the butter? What do I mix with the sugar? How much milk do I add? How many people will this casserole serve?

The trick is to make this questioning natural and conversation-like. School is school. Home is home. :)

Hmmmm....all this recipe talk has made me hungry. What will I make for dinner tonight?

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