Monday, February 23, 2015

"I found it online!": Does that make it true?

I laughed out loud when I found this image on the internet (look on the sidebar of the blog). When I saw this, I thought—this is perfect to share with the students and families!

I asked the students these questions:

·         WHY do I think this image and message is so funny?

·         Can this quote and author possibly be true? Why or Why Not?

·         Is the message is a GOOD message? Why or why not?

·         How can I trust that information in my research is RELIABLE and TRUE?
NLES Literacy Tip of the Day:
Encourage your children to be "skeptical" and "critical" of the information they find in the world, especially on the Internet.  We want children to be interested in learning and researching, but we want them to think about things such as "reliable sources" and "validity". We don't want children to trust EVERYTHING they see on the internet or hear on TV. Our goal is to create critical thinkers and questioners!!



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